Small/Home Office Network IPv6 wish list


SOHO Router

by Craig Miller

The CPE (Customer Premise Equipment) or home router is beginning to see support for IPv6, but it is far from complete. In the past, I have written about OpenWrt, an open source software for home routers. The IPv6 features of OpenWrt will be the basis of my IPv6 wish list for every home router.

Small Office/Home Office (SOHO) networks tend to grow organically. Starting with a single ISP connected router, adding additional routers as ports fill up, or technology requirements expand. Additionally, technologies such as IPv6-only, Wireguard IPv6-enabled VPN, and separation of networks (i.e. DMZ/VLAN) for IoT devices must be accommodated.

Expanded SOHO Network

Expanded SOHO Network

The IETF Standards

Fortunately, there has been some good work done by the IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force) to define minimum feature support of CPEs. Notably, Basic Requirements for IPv6 Customer Edge Routers RFC 7084. Transitional technologies offering IPv4 over IPv6 with MAP-T RFC 7597 and MAP-E RFC 7599. And the most recently minted Operational Security Considerations for IPv6 Networks RFC 9099

RFC 7084 Basic Requirements for IPv6 Customer Edge Routers

Rather than summarize this RFC, I have included the requirements section (4). This RFC is a basic set of requirements for CPE/Home routers supporting IPv6, including:

   G-1:  An IPv6 CE router is an IPv6 node according to the IPv6 Node
         Requirements specification [RFC6434].

   G-2:  The IPv6 CE router MUST implement ICMPv6 according to
         [RFC4443].  In particular, point-to-point links MUST be handled
         as described in Section 3.1 of [RFC4443].

   G-3:  The IPv6 CE router MUST NOT forward any IPv6 traffic between
         its LAN interface(s) and its WAN interface until the router has
         successfully completed the IPv6 address and the delegated
         prefix acquisition process.

   G-4:  By default, an IPv6 CE router that has no default router(s) on
         its WAN interface MUST NOT advertise itself as an IPv6 default
         router on its LAN interfaces.  That is, the "Router Lifetime"
         field is set to zero in all Router Advertisement messages it
         originates [RFC4861].

   G-5:  By default, if the IPv6 CE router is an advertising router and
         loses its IPv6 default router(s) and/or detects loss of
         connectivity on the WAN interface, it MUST explicitly
         invalidate itself as an IPv6 default router on each of its
         advertising interfaces by immediately transmitting one or more
         Router Advertisement messages with the "Router Lifetime" field
         set to zero [RFC4861].
   W-1:  When the router is attached to the WAN interface link, it MUST
         act as an IPv6 host for the purposes of stateless [RFC4862] or
         stateful [RFC3315] interface address assignment.

   W-2:  The IPv6 CE router MUST generate a link-local address and
         finish Duplicate Address Detection according to [RFC4862] prior
         to sending any Router Solicitations on the interface.  The
         source address used in the subsequent Router Solicitation MUST
         be the link-local address on the WAN interface.

   W-3:  Absent other routing information, the IPv6 CE router MUST use
         Router Discovery as specified in [RFC4861] to discover a
         default router(s) and install a default route(s) in its routing
         table with the discovered router's address as the next hop.

   W-4:  The router MUST act as a requesting router for the purposes of
         DHCPv6 prefix delegation ([RFC3633]).

   W-5:  The IPv6 CE router MUST use a persistent DHCP Unique Identifier
         (DUID) for DHCPv6 messages.  The DUID MUST NOT change between
         network-interface resets or IPv6 CE router reboots.

   W-6:  The WAN interface of the CE router SHOULD support a Port
         Control Protocol (PCP) client as specified in [RFC6887] for use
         by applications on the CE router.  The PCP client SHOULD follow
         the procedure specified in Section 8.1 of [RFC6887] to discover
         its PCP server.  This document takes no position on whether
         such functionality is enabled by default or mechanisms by which
         users would configure the functionality.  Handling PCP requests
         from PCP clients in the LAN side of the CE router is out of

  Link-layer requirements:

   WLL-1:  If the WAN interface supports Ethernet encapsulation, then
           the IPv6 CE router MUST support IPv6 over Ethernet [RFC2464].

   WLL-2:  If the WAN interface supports PPP encapsulation, the IPv6 CE
           router MUST support IPv6 over PPP [RFC5072].

   WLL-3:  If the WAN interface supports PPP encapsulation, in a dual-
           stack environment with IPCP and IPV6CP running over one PPP
           logical channel, the Network Control Protocols (NCPs) MUST be
           treated as independent of each other and start and terminate

   Address assignment requirements:

   WAA-1:   The IPv6 CE router MUST support Stateless Address
            Autoconfiguration (SLAAC) [RFC4862].

   WAA-2:   The IPv6 CE router MUST follow the recommendations in
            Section 4 of [RFC5942], and in particular the handling of
            the L flag in the Router Advertisement Prefix Information

   WAA-3:   The IPv6 CE router MUST support DHCPv6 [RFC3315] client

   WAA-4:   The IPv6 CE router MUST be able to support the following
            DHCPv6 options: Identity Association for Non-temporary
            Address (IA_NA), Reconfigure Accept [RFC3315], and
            DNS_SERVERS [RFC3646].  The IPv6 CE router SHOULD be able to
            support the DNS Search List (DNSSL) option as specified in

   WAA-5:   The IPv6 CE router SHOULD implement the Network Time
            Protocol (NTP) as specified in [RFC5905] to provide a time
            reference common to the service provider for other
            protocols, such as DHCPv6, to use.  If the CE router
            implements NTP, it requests the NTP Server DHCPv6 option
            [RFC5908] and uses the received list of servers as primary
            time reference, unless explicitly configured otherwise.  LAN
            side support of NTP is out of scope for this document.

   WAA-6:   If the IPv6 CE router receives a Router Advertisement
            message (described in [RFC4861]) with the M flag set to 1,
            the IPv6 CE router MUST do DHCPv6 address assignment
            (request an IA_NA option).

   WAA-7:   If the IPv6 CE router does not acquire a global IPv6
            address(es) from either SLAAC or DHCPv6, then it MUST create
            a global IPv6 address(es) from its delegated prefix(es) and
            configure those on one of its internal virtual network
            interfaces, unless configured to require a global IPv6
            address on the WAN interface.

   WAA-8:   The CE router MUST support the SOL_MAX_RT option [RFC7083]
            and request the SOL_MAX_RT option in an Option Request
            Option (ORO).
   WAA-9:   As a router, the IPv6 CE router MUST follow the weak host
            (Weak End System) model [RFC1122].  When originating packets
            from an interface, it will use a source address from another
            one of its interfaces if the outgoing interface does not
            have an address of suitable scope.

   WAA-10:  The IPv6 CE router SHOULD implement the Information Refresh
            Time option and associated client behavior as specified in

   Prefix delegation requirements:

   WPD-1:  The IPv6 CE router MUST support DHCPv6 prefix delegation
           requesting router behavior as specified in [RFC3633]
           (Identity Association for Prefix Delegation (IA_PD) option).

   WPD-2:  The IPv6 CE router MAY indicate as a hint to the delegating
           router the size of the prefix it requires.  If so, it MUST
           ask for a prefix large enough to assign one /64 for each of
           its interfaces, rounded up to the nearest nibble, and SHOULD
           be configurable to ask for more.

   WPD-3:  The IPv6 CE router MUST be prepared to accept a delegated
           prefix size different from what is given in the hint.  If the
           delegated prefix is too small to address all of its
           interfaces, the IPv6 CE router SHOULD log a system management
           error.  [RFC6177] covers the recommendations for service
           providers for prefix allocation sizes.

   WPD-4:  By default, the IPv6 CE router MUST initiate DHCPv6 prefix
           delegation when either the M or O flags are set to 1 in a
           received Router Advertisement (RA) message.  Behavior of the
           CE router to use DHCPv6 prefix delegation when the CE router
           has not received any RA or received an RA with the M and the
           O bits set to zero is out of scope for this document.

   WPD-5:  Any packet received by the CE router with a destination
           address in the prefix(es) delegated to the CE router but not
           in the set of prefixes assigned by the CE router to the LAN
           must be dropped.  In other words, the next hop for the
           prefix(es) delegated to the CE router should be the null
           destination.  This is necessary to prevent forwarding loops
           when some addresses covered by the aggregate are not
           reachable [RFC4632].

   ULA-1:  The IPv6 CE router SHOULD be capable of generating a ULA
           prefix [RFC4193].
   ULA-2:  An IPv6 CE router with a ULA prefix MUST maintain this prefix
           consistently across reboots.

   ULA-3:  The value of the ULA prefix SHOULD be configurable.

   ULA-4:  By default, the IPv6 CE router MUST act as a site border
           router according to Section 4.3 of [RFC4193] and filter
           packets with local IPv6 source or destination addresses

   ULA-5:  An IPv6 CE router MUST NOT advertise itself as a default
           router with a Router Lifetime greater than zero whenever all
           of its configured and delegated prefixes are ULA prefixes.

   LAN requirements:

   L-1:   The IPv6 CE router MUST support router behavior according to
          Neighbor Discovery for IPv6 [RFC4861].

   L-2:   The IPv6 CE router MUST assign a separate /64 from its
          delegated prefix(es) (and ULA prefix if configured to provide
          ULA addressing) for each of its LAN interfaces.

   L-3:   An IPv6 CE router MUST advertise itself as a router for the
          delegated prefix(es) (and ULA prefix if configured to provide
          ULA addressing) using the "Route Information Option" specified
          in Section 2.3 of [RFC4191].  This advertisement is
          independent of having or not having IPv6 connectivity on the
          WAN interface.

   L-4:   An IPv6 CE router MUST NOT advertise itself as a default
          router with a Router Lifetime [RFC4861] greater than zero if
          it has no prefixes configured or delegated to it.

   L-5:   The IPv6 CE router MUST make each LAN interface an advertising
          interface according to [RFC4861].

   L-6:   In Router Advertisement messages ([RFC4861]), the Prefix
          Information option's A and L flags MUST be set to 1 by

   L-7:   The A and L flags' ([RFC4861]) settings SHOULD be user

   L-8:   The IPv6 CE router MUST support a DHCPv6 server capable of
          IPv6 address assignment according to [RFC3315] OR a stateless
          DHCPv6 server according to [RFC3736] on its LAN interfaces.
   L-9:   Unless the IPv6 CE router is configured to support the DHCPv6
          IA_NA option, it SHOULD set the M flag to zero and the O flag
          to 1 in its Router Advertisement messages [RFC4861].

   L-10:  The IPv6 CE router MUST support providing DNS information in
          the DHCPv6 DNS_SERVERS and DOMAIN_LIST options [RFC3646].

   L-11:  The IPv6 CE router MUST support providing DNS information in
          the Router Advertisement Recursive DNS Server (RDNSS) and DNS
          Search List options.  Both options are specified in [RFC6106].

   L-12:  The IPv6 CE router SHOULD make available a subset of DHCPv6
          options (as listed in Section 5.3 of [RFC3736]) received from
          the DHCPv6 client on its WAN interface to its LAN-side DHCPv6

   L-13:  If the delegated prefix changes, i.e., the current prefix is
          replaced with a new prefix without any overlapping time
          period, then the IPv6 CE router MUST immediately advertise the
          old prefix with a Preferred Lifetime of zero and a Valid
          Lifetime of either a) zero or b) the lower of the current
          Valid Lifetime and two hours (which must be decremented in
          real time) in a Router Advertisement message as described in
          Section 5.5.3, (e) of [RFC4862].

   L-14:  The IPv6 CE router MUST send an ICMPv6 Destination Unreachable
          message, code 5 (Source address failed ingress/egress policy)
          for packets forwarded to it that use an address from a prefix
          that has been invalidated.
   6rd requirements:

   6RD-1:  The IPv6 CE router MUST support 6rd configuration via the 6rd
           DHCPv4 Option 212.  If the CE router has obtained an IPv4
           network address through some other means such as PPP, it
           SHOULD use the DHCPINFORM request message [RFC2131] to
           request the 6rd DHCPv4 Option.  The IPv6 CE router MAY use
           other mechanisms to configure 6rd parameters.  Such
           mechanisms are outside the scope of this document.

   6RD-2:  If the IPv6 CE router is capable of automated configuration
           of IPv4 through IPCP (i.e., over a PPP connection), it MUST
           support user-entered configuration of 6rd.

   6RD-3:  If the CE router supports configuration mechanisms other than
           the 6rd DHCPv4 Option 212 (user-entered, TR-069 [TR-069],
           etc.), the CE router MUST support 6rd in "hub and spoke"
           mode. 6rd in "hub and spoke" requires all IPv6 traffic to go
           to the 6rd Border Relay.  In effect, this requirement removes
           the "direct connect to 6rd" route defined in Section 7.1.1 of

   6RD-4:  A CE router MUST allow 6rd and native IPv6 WAN interfaces to
           be active alone as well as simultaneously in order to support
           coexistence of the two technologies during an incremental
           migration period such as a migration from 6rd to native IPv6.

   6RD-5:  Each packet sent on a 6rd or native WAN interface MUST be
           directed such that its source IP address is derived from the
           delegated prefix associated with the particular interface
           from which the packet is being sent (Section 4.3 of

   6RD-6:  The CE router MUST allow different as well as identical
           delegated prefixes to be configured via each (6rd or native)
           WAN interface.

   6RD-7:  In the event that forwarding rules produce a tie between 6rd
           and native IPv6, by default, the IPv6 CE router MUST prefer
           native IPv6.

   DS-Lite WAN requirements:

   DLW-1:  The CE router MUST support configuration of DS-Lite via the
           DS-Lite DHCPv6 option [RFC6334].  The IPv6 CE router MAY use
           other mechanisms to configure DS-Lite parameters.  Such
           mechanisms are outside the scope of this document.

   DLW-2:  The IPv6 CE router MUST NOT perform IPv4 Network Address
           Translation (NAT) on IPv4 traffic encapsulated using DS-Lite.

   DLW-3:  If the IPv6 CE router is configured with an IPv4 address on
           its WAN interface, then the IPv6 CE router SHOULD disable the
           DS-Lite Basic Bridging BroadBand (B4) element.

   S-1:  The IPv6 CE router SHOULD support [RFC6092].  In particular,
         the IPv6 CE router SHOULD support functionality sufficient for
         implementing the set of recommendations in [RFC6092],
         Section 4.  This document takes no position on whether such
         functionality is enabled by default or mechanisms by which
         users would configure it.

   S-2:  The IPv6 CE router SHOULD support ingress filtering in
         accordance with BCP 38 [RFC2827].  Note that this requirement
         was downgraded from a MUST from RFC 6204 due to the difficulty
         of implementation in the CE router and the feature's redundancy
         with upstream router ingress filtering.

   S-3:  If the IPv6 CE router firewall is configured to filter incoming
         tunneled data, the firewall SHOULD provide the capability to
         filter decapsulated packets from a tunnel.

RFC 7597 & RFC 7599 Transitional Technologies of IPv4 over IPv6 using MAP-T & MAP-E, respectfully

Mapping of Address and Port (MAP) is a standards-based approach MAP-ing by encapsulation (MAP-E) or by translation of the IPv4 address into an IPv6 address (MAP-T). Fortunately the most current release of OpenWrt (21.02.1) supports MAP-T & MAP-E.

RFC 9099 Operational Security Considerations for IPv6 Networks, Sect 3.8 General Device Hardening

With almost all devices being IPv6 enabled by default and with many endpoints having IPv6 connectivity to the Internet, it is critical to also harden those devices against attacks over IPv6.

The same techniques used to protect devices against attacks over IPv4 should be used for IPv6 and should include but are not limited to:

Additional IPv6 Features

Additionally to the excellent RFC's, I'd like to see the following also supported.

  1. Support a simple routing protocol such as RIPng (RFC 2080) or Babel (RFC 8966) support. The venerable RIPng does not require routing protocol knowledge from the User. Just turn it on it works silently in the background with reasonable convergence times.
  2. Downstream DHCPv6-PD support. Not only should the SOHO router make requests on the WAN port, and advertise the delegated prefix to the LAN clients, but it should also answer DHCPv6-PD requests from the LAN-side, further delegating prefix address space.
  3. Downstream SLAAC support. There are some OSs which do not implement DHCPv6, most notably Android devices, including Android-based-IoT. All of these devices will be able to communicate via SLAAC & IPv6 however.
  4. DNS Auto Naming Support for both SLAAC & DHCPv6 Nodes on the SOHO Network. As IPv6 is more readily used, the age of memorizing IP addresses is coming to an end. DNS will be how SOHO users access devices on the network. A DNS auto naming system will map local node IPv6 addresses to names. An excellent example of mapping SLAAC IPv6 addresses to names is the ip6neigh project for OpenWrt. Additionally support for mDNS Proxy, such as Avahi relay, is required for multiple subnets in the SOHO network.
  5. Sane default Firewall Rules. NDP (Neighbour Discovery Protocol) requires ICMPv6 to enter the SOHO router from all interfaces (WAN and LAN). The default Firewall Rules should permit passing of ICMPv6 messages, and optionally rate limit them. OpenWrt provides an excellent example of this.
  6. Wireless Mesh Support. the SOHO router should be able to enable 802.11s, including Hybrid Wireless Mesh Protocol (HWMP), an IEEEE standard for wireless mesh. In addition to 802.11s the SOHO router may support other implementations of Wireless Mesh.
  7. Wi-fi Calling. Although there are no specific router requirements to support Wi-fi Calling, the SOHO router should include default firewall rules to permit it.


The SOHO router must be able to act as a stand alone gateway to the IPv6 Internet, or in concert with other IPv6-enabled routers. It must be ready to support IPv6-only, including IPv6-only management of the device, and a transition technology (such as NAT64). Lastly, the SOHO router must be ready to grow as the SOHO network itself becomes a complex network, with the concept that the person deploying the SOHO network is not a networking expert. Features such as auto-addressing, and auto name service (DNS) are key to the "deploy and go" mindset.

30 March 2021
Updated 2 September 2021
Updated 9 November 2021 - added MAP
Update 7 December 2021 - removed HomeNet
Updated 20 December 2021 - added mDNS Proxy