Creating a Webserver on the Pi with Docker

What is Docker?

Docker is a computer program that performs operating-system-level virtualization, also known as "containerization". It was first released in 2013 and released under Apache 2.0 license. A Container is a lightweight application component including all the required elements (libraries, config, etc). Containers can be quickly started up without polluting your file system with libraries, and config files, and easily upgraded with one command.

VMs vs Docker Containers


A repository of many docker container applications ready to be run, just note the name and run it!

Installing Docker on the Pi

However, it is a good idea to not run scripts off the internet, which will then run as root. So a better practice is:

curl -sSL > /tmp/
vi /tmp/  #look through the script
sh /tmp/

#Executing docker install script, commit: 46dc063
+ sudo -E sh -c apt-get update -qq >/dev/null
[sudo] password for pi: 
+ sudo -E sh -c apt-get install -y -qq apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl >/dev/null
apt-listchanges: Can't set locale; make sure $LC_* and $LANG are correct!
If you would like to use Docker as a non-root user, you should now consider
adding your user to the "docker" group with something like:

  sudo usermod -aG docker pi

Remember that you will have to log out and back in for this to take effect!

WARNING: Adding a user to the "docker" group will grant the ability to run
         containers which can be used to obtain root privileges on the
         docker host.
         Refer to
         for more information.

And docker is installed.

Setting up groups, so sudo isn't needed

Setup Docker to be used by user pi without using sudo

sudo usermod -aG docker pi
newgrp docker

The usermod command modifies a user, in this case, appending the user pi to the docker group.

Usually once a group membership is changed, it does not take effect until one logs out and logs back in. But a faster way is to use the newgrp command which immediately logs the user into that group (the docker group in this case).

Testing the Docker Engine

docker run hello-world

A note about Architectures

Docker containers usually contain compiled code. This code is processor specific, such as x86, or ARM, and won't run on the incorrect Architecture. On (aka dochub), if the page doesn't discuss architecture, then it is probably for x86, and won't run on the Pi (which has an ARM processor). Depending on your Pi, you want to look for armhf (32 bit) or aarch64 (64 bit) architecture.

To determine your Architecture, type the following in a terminal window on the Pi.

$ uname -a
Linux 6pai 4.14.34-v7+ #1110 SMP Mon Apr 16 15:18:51 BST 2018 armv7l GNU/Linux

armv7l is a armhf architecture. At this time, all Raspberry Pis are running a 32 bit version of raspian ( describes this as a benefit), even if your Pi has a 64 bit processor. Therefore, for the Pi, the architecture will always be armhf, for now.

Selecting a webserver: nginx

Nginx (pronounced engine-X) is a open source webserver that was released in 2004. From the onset, it was created as a high performance webserver. Netcraft shows that in October of 2018, nginx was the third most popular webserver in the world (at 19.7% after Apache's 22.9% and Microsoft's 39.2%).

Browsing DocHub

It is possible to browse dochub for containerized applications using your browser (e.g. Chrome, Firefox). This will be your primary documentation for the container and what parameters are required. In the example of nginx the linuxserver folks have created a unified image, so that you don't have to worry about architectures. But this is currently the exception to the rule.

But once Docker is installed, it much easier to allow the Docker Engine to pull the container from dochub automagically. To install nginx webserver just use the following:

docker create --name=nginx -v /home/pi/nginx:/config -p 80:80 -p 443:443 linuxserver/nginx 

The parts of that command

Setting up nginx webserver

When using Docker containerized version of nginx, the /config directory will be populated with directories such as log, keys, php, when the container is run. It is not required that a sample config be created before running the container. However, sample Configs for nginx are available online.

A www directory must be created in the /config directory and populated with the content to be served by the web server.

Run it!

Once this is done, execute the docker restart nginx command, and your webserver on the Pi is up and running!

Test it

Point our browser to the nginx web server. Look for the PHP script gas.php (a US price/gal to Canada price/litre converter)

Limitations of Docker

Alas, Docker is very much an IPv4 application. On the network side, it is running evil NAT only exposing the ports of a container using the -p <port num> parameter. However if you wanted to run two versions of the nginx webserver, you must put them on different ports, since evil NAT does not allow multiple servers to serve on the same port with the same destination address.

The default IPv6 support is crippled. It appears as the host is an IPv6 listening port, such that the IPv4-only container is accessible via IPv6. However Docker is still acting as an IPv4 proxy, and the access.log will list the IPv4 address of Docker, rather than the actual address of the requesting host. It is possible to configure Docker such that each container has its own IPv6 address, thus getting around the limitation of one port contention. see Docker Documentation for configuring IPv6, but it is fraught with limitations (see the Good and Bad below).

Another example

Libresonic is a free, web-based media streamer, providing ubiqutious access to your music. Use it to share your music with friends, or to listen to your own music while at work. You can stream to multiple players simultaneously, for instance to one player in your kitchen and another in your living room

For armhf

For aarch64


docker create  --name="libresonic"  -v /home/pi/libresonic/config:/config  -v /home/pi/libresonic/music:/music \
 -v /home/pi/libresonic/playlist:/playlists  -v /home/pi/libresonic/podcasts:/podcasts  -p 4040:4040 lsioarmhf/libresonic

docker restart libresonic


The LibResonic web interface listens on port 4040 (by default)


Docker is a light weight virtualization technology, allowing one to quickly stand up a services. It also enforces separate of application and config/user data. But one must be careful to get the correct image for your Architecture. And with the IPv4 focus and default use of evil NAT, Docker is inherently limited by legacy IPv4 thinking.

Network Defaults work well for IPv4Uses evil NAT
Quick to setup a serviceContainers limited to Ports on host
Computing environment portabilityNo check on Architectures (x86, ARM)
Containerized Apps have reduced feature sets
Proxy IPv4 service to IPv6Same limitations on ports as IPv4
IPv6 is a bolt on using evil NAT
IPv6 addressing is manual, no support for DHCPv6-PD
IPv6 addressing dynamic, no connnection to DNS
Docker is always in Routed mode, no transparent bridging
Lightweight VirtualizationPoor to Bad IPv6 support, recommend a different VM technology e.g. LXC

Useful Docker commands

27 Nov 2018